the most wonderful time of the year

much like the total eclipse last year (which I spent driving to Oregon one year ago today to actually experience TOTALITY - it was TOTALITY worth it - GET IT) there is a rare time on the bravo network. a time when not only do two of the real housewives franchise air dates overlap BUT three do. THIS. IS. THAT. TIME. 

having three horrifyingly beautiful episodes to look forward to each week is only akin to the joy one may feel on christmas morning or when you instantly find a parking spot anywhere in LA or when experiencing the total eclipse of the sun; animals start making their night calls, the entire world glows with a false twilight and all you see is a gaping hole into space with a glorious perfect circle penumbra - yep, it's just like that. 

farewell new york city (now in the reunion stage with three episodes left), getting comfy with orange county (right in the sweet spot mid season) and hellllooooo dallas (I can't wait to see what luanne and her hot dogs are up to).

guess which cast is which....and please enjoy the time I forced my friends take a portrait in a true RH vein... - The Real Housewives of the University of Arizona Living in Los Angeles


P.S. I'm busy for the next three weeks.