TV is my greatest LOVE

July 25th, 2013


Hello.  I love TV.  I would marry TV if I think she would say yes.  However, there are some drawbacks to my love, as with any love.  After watching too much you feel gluttonous and worthless.  Other people judge you – A LOT (unless they are fellow TV lovers…and even then some people think they are but really, compared to me, they are not...that’s when you do that awkward dance of trying to judge how much is too much to admit to watching…so ashamed).  Back to the list!  The watching part isn’t very productive, it slows one down.  Soooo as you can see, it’s like any normal relationship, RIGHT?!  I’m right…right?! (She searches the room for heads nodding in agreement…crickets) I hope I’m right OR I’m doing it all wrong.  Love slows you down in the best and worst ways.

TV is an unrequited love, something that I am also very familiar with.  Ewan McGregor I’m still waiting for the day we meet and you fall madly in love with me, Joaquin Phoenix I forgive you for not finding me 6 years ago and taking me to the Oscars, and Christian Bale I understand you were busy and couldn’t make it to my prom and take my virginity.  Le sigh.  Anyway, through all those times TV filled my empty nights.  It filled my mind with lives other than mine to live through.  It took me to other places for a few hours when I couldn’t bear my own.

SPOILERS! When Marissa shot Ryan’s brother I mourned.  FUCK – when Marissa overdosed in TJ I fell in love.  When Future Max told Liz she had to break up with Max I cried, for so long, for forever, still cry when I think about it.  I’m consumed with Betty Draper’s emptiness.  I was desperately sad when Jennifer Love Hewitt’s husband died on Ghost Whisperer and then came back…FROM THE DEAD.  DEAR GOD.  Who killed Laura Palmer?!   I have been with SO many TV shows and I’m always looking for the next, the next, the next.  I want to fall in love so many more times.  I want to be swept away.  I yearn for “the falling” for a TV show – the more seasons the better.

So there you have it, my ode to TV. 

This is my life right now, desperately seeking a new TV show.

P.S. Top of the Lake.