
FRIDAY, April 11th 2014

season 2 episode 19 crazy

how this show captured my heart i'll never know.  oh wait, your predictable plot lines, sparkly dresses, romance, music and tragic female characters are just what my soul yearns for after empty work days - take me away.

scarlett. what is happening to you.  that onstage meltdown was one of the weirdest flashback scenes i've _ever_ seen --- soooo it worked?  i know i'm keen to give bad things the benefit of the doubt when debating when they "work" or not but the scene was freaky and weird and bad....and that was the goal, right? to induce under-piano cowering? mission accomplished.  listen to me waxing justifications.  needless to say it was memorable.

black roses is also the best song to come out of nashville this season.  scarlett is a star.  well, clare bowen is a star.  she is becoming my new (and much more talented) marissa cooper.   fuck, i think i need to take some time to reflect on why i love destructive/pathetic female story lines.

the below outfit is inspired by scarlett.  you'll get through this girl.
